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Ingersoll air compressor

Ingersoll air compressor

  • Product Overview
  • Parameter
  • Presentation
  • Oilfield application

    • Ingersoll began production of centrifugal compressors in the United States in 1911 and installed the world's first 100m3/h steam turbine driven multistage air compressor in 1912. In 1928, the compressor energy recovery system was introduced. In 1940, it was produced. Centrifugal compressors for catalytic cracking. In 1949, steam turbine was produced to drive centrifugal compressors. In 1958, assembled centrifugal compressors were introduced. After the successful development of Ingersoll's CENTAC centrifugal air compressor, it has been well received by users. So far, 12,000 units around the world have been operating safely and steadily for a long time.

      Our company is an agent of Innag Solan compressor, if you have Yingnagesuolan compressor and its compressed air processing system needs, we will provide you with the best service.



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